Champion is a Stocking Distributor of:

We distribute Bentley-Harris
"MSHA APPROVED" Thermo-Cord, the #1 name in Heat Protection.
Contact Champion Mine Supply today for more information today.

Featuring Fryejacket™ and a full line of non-asbestos,
fiberglass and ceramic sleeving products such
as the Thermojacket® C product, with heat
protection up tp 2600°F continuous service,
3000°F short term.

Used as welding cloth,
pipe lagging or as welding blanket or curtain, Sil-Gard™
High Temp Cloth offers high heat protection to 2300°F continuous service,
3000°F short term.

Designed for wrapping
and gasketing; available in several temperature
grades, such as Sil-Gard™ High Temp Tape PSA,
withstanding up to 2300°F long term, 3000°F short term.

Pliable gasket material
for fitting around corners; available in several constructions, including
ceramic fiber functional up to 2600°F in continuous service.

Used for repair of
cracks and breaks, and available in a variety of constructions such as Thermocord® P for temperatures up to 1400°F.